Become a SPONSor
SPONSor Packages
We offer a variety of sponsorship options for those who make the Catholic Art Festival possible
Bronze Level – $250
Your company name and logo will be listed on this website, along with a link to your website
Your company logo will be printed on all Schedule posters at the festival
Your company logo will be printed on all Event Map posters at the festival
Silver Level – $500
Your company name and logo will be listed on the bottom of an artist booth sign, which appears on the artist tents at the festival
Your company will receive all of the benefits of Bronze Level sponsors
Gold Level – $1000
Your company will be given tent space at the festival
Your company name will be announced from the main stage throughout the day at the festival
Your company logo will be promoted as a sponsor on our social media page
Your company will receive all of the benefits of Silver Level sponsors
Diamond Level – $1500
Your company logo will be included in our newspaper advertisements
Your company will receive all of the benefits of Gold Level sponsors

Main Stage Sponsor – $1500
We offer a special sponsorship package for our main stage, where musicians and dancers perform and the official festival announcements are​ made. This sponsor will have a banner adorning the stage with their company name and logo on it.
In-Kind Sponsorship
We are thankful for our In-Kind Sponsors who donate goods or services to our festivals. We are happy to discuss in-kind sponsorship and benefits, including being listed on our website, with any potential donors.
InteRested in becoming a SPONSor?
Interested businesses or individuals should fill out the form below or contact us at for more information