2:15 PM
Singer/songwriter Riley Hirshey will take the main stage for a delightful set of songs spanning his wide-ranging interests
2:10 PM
We will announce the Teen Art Contest Jury Selection and Fan Favorite winners from the main stage
1:45 PM
Rosary walk - We will be blessed to have seminarians from Kenrick-Glennon leading a rosary walk around the neighborhood, starting from the main stage
12:45 PM
The musical trio Spero will perform on the main stage. You're in for a treat.
12:05 PM
Fr. Rennier will announce the winner of the St. Robert Southwell Literary Contest from the main stage
12:00 Noon
The Angelus - Fr. Rennier will lead the traditional Catholic noon-time devotion from the main stage
11:30 AM
Theology of Dance St. Louis will lead an Irish Line Dancing lesson around the main stage. All able-bodied persons are invited to participate.
11:00 AM
Food sales start. Thomas Cobb and family will begin selling fresh, delicious, reasonably-priced food. First come, first served.
10:30 AM
Morning Prayer - Fr. Pastorious will lead morning prayer in the church
10:00 AM
The festival begins! Artists displaying art, kids crafting, teens circling lawn games, parents finding coffee - it all starts at 10:00.
10:45 AM
Adoration in the church begins
1:30 PM
Voting for the Teen Art Contest ends
3:45 PM
Adoration in the church concludes
11:00 AM
Sr. Joan Paula and a few of her sisters from the Daughters of St. Paul will be reading books to children in the Kid's Corner
4:00 PM
Festival ends. It's over. Everybody pack up and go home. Or better yet, go to the 4:00 Vigil Mass at Epiphany.